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How-To Guide: Sell Your Home & Buy a New One at the Same Time

Ellie Kowalchik

Ellie leads the Move2 Team and has been a consistent sales leader in the Cincinnati market for over 20 years...

Ellie leads the Move2 Team and has been a consistent sales leader in the Cincinnati market for over 20 years...

Oct 30 9 minutes read

Unless you’re moving from a rental, a family member’s home, or a property you intend to rent out (or use as a second home), you’re likely in a position where you have to sell your home and buy a new home at the same time. It’s a prospect that can feel daunting for even those who have done this before. After all, it can seem like a “chicken or the egg” scenario: Do you focus on the sale so you know how much money you’ll get, or do you focus on finding a new home so you’ll have a new place to live lined up once your current home sells? 

While the answers depend on many factors unique to you and your home, we have seen it all when it comes to this situation. Here are ten things you'll want to keep in mind if you're going to be a buyer and seller at the same time.

1️⃣ Find an Agent

Whether you're moving locally or relocating out of state, you’ll need someone who is an expert in that particular market. Your attention is going to be divided due to the simultaneous nature of your sale and purchase. An agent who really knows the neighborhoods and how quickly the market is moving means you’ll have the data you need to find the home you want (without you having to do hours upon hours of research). 

If your move is taking you out of the greater Cincinnati area, we have relationships with agents all over the country and are happy to make a referral if you need one! 

2️⃣ Focus on the Home You're Selling First

Once you’ve made the decision to sell your home, it’s tempting to jump to the next step. For one, a new home represents a fresh beginning. Searching for a new home also eases the anxiety that comes with the uncertainty of selling your current place. The problem? If you’re not devoting the same care and attention to the sale, you might not do the things you need to do to get the most money for your home or to sell it on the timeline you’d like. Half-hearted decluttering (a must for staging), procrastinating on the repairs your agent suggests and other missteps that happen when your focus is solely on the new home search can cost you in the long run.

3️⃣ Consider Renting a Storage Unit

On the surface, it makes sense: Why go through the time and expense of moving your stuff to a storage unit, only to move it again to your new place? In this case, though, the time and money you save pales in comparison to the hassle. When you have to declutter for staging, begin prepping for your eventual move, and still need your home to look presentable in the process, having a storage unit takes a lot of stress out of the equation. Just remember that it’s a temporary home for your stuff — make sure you’re taking a quick moment to organize items in boxes and label, label, label.  

4️⃣ Learn About Bridge Loans

These short-term loans can help you financially during the transition between your old and new homes. For example, a bridge loan might be used to buy the new place while your home is still on the market, or if you’re put in a situation to suddenly move (like a job relocation). Because they’re short-term loans, bridge loans often have higher interest rates and quicker repayment periods. Depending on your situation, though, it might be an option to consider.

We work with great lender partners that specialize in bridge loans. If you're looking to get more information about this financing option, let us know. We'd be happy to connect you with a trustworthy industry expert!

5️⃣ Think Through Home Sale Contingencies

A home sale contingency is a clause in your contract to buy a home or sell your home that gives you a certain amount of time to sell your home before proceeding with the transaction. It seems like just the thing to give you peace of mind when you’re buying and selling at the same time. However, these contingencies can turn off potential buyers because it means the sale could fall through. When you’re the buyer, having a home sale contingency could be countered with a kick-out clause. This means that if the seller can continue to market the home and accept a better offer if it comes along.

6️⃣ Find a New Home

There are homeowners who are so focused on doing everything they can to sell their home for the highest price that they’ll avoid even thinking about finding their next home. While potentially getting more money for your home isn’t a downside, most won't want to ignore where they'll live after the sale. A rental that suits your household might not be immediately available, depending on your market. Or, you might not be able to find a short-term rental that works with your timeline for finding a new home. 

7️⃣ Face Your Emotions

Once selling your home becomes a reality, you might experience strong emotions about your home. Even if you were excited to sell in the first place, seeing empty rooms, packing boxes and opening your house to visits by potential buyers can make you feel suddenly sentimental about leaving. It’s less about the home itself, but instead what it represents — the past. Don’t be afraid to speak up to your agent if you start to feel pangs of regret or sadness. They’ve likely seen this happen in nearly every sale and can help shift your focus to your goals.

8️⃣ Avoid Overwhelm

The process of selling and buying at the same time is enough to be a full-time job…yet you may have a full-time job already. Add in a family, a major work project, or a life transition (like getting married or divorced or the arrival of a new child) and you can quickly feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do what you need to do. When faced with overwhelm, some of us overperform (and never sleep) and others shut down (and avoid everything). Think about how you tend to react in stressful situations and plan ahead to arm yourself with coping strategies to keep you productive during this time.

9️⃣ Keep Your Goals In Mind

From the moment you decided it was time to sell to the date of your first open house, the process of selling your home can occupy a lot of mental space. (It’s why some homeowners fall for the “Silicon Valley way” of selling their home, which can often be a mistake.) So when you get your first offer, it’s tempting to accept it to just be done with the whole thing. However, is the offer the right offer for your home? If this potential buyer one that’s actually ready to buy? You might want to hold out to see if a better offer is around the corner. While an agent doesn't have a crystal ball, we can give an honest opinion based on what we've observed in the market. 

In the end, buying and selling your home at the same time is like training for the Olympics — a successful outcome involves strategy and the right frame of mind. Consider your agent your coach in this metaphor. They’ll keep you motivated, prepare you for what to expect and offer support whenever you face a challenge. 

🔟 Always Have a Plan B (and Plan C)

Even if you’ve devoted the right attention to both the sale and the search for your next place, the market is the wild card. You might be surprised with multiple offers within days of your listing hitting the market, a buyer who has all their paperwork in order and a transaction that doesn’t hit any snags whatsoever. While that’s an ideal situation for most sellers, it’s one that will completely throw off your plans. If your agent thinks that the market is hot enough to lead to such a scenario, you’ll want to have a list of short-term rentals, movers and (if needed) self-storage facilities that offer larger units. 

We're Here to Help

If the challenge of selling your home and buying a new one is one that's holding you back from listing your home, let's talk about how we can help make the transition as smooth as possible